Birds by Location

Birds By Location

Click here to view Birds by Type


See any photographs with missing captions or that have not been attributed to you  ? Click Here -> Webmaster to send us any comments.
These are some general guidelines for image submissions.
Please send your images direct to the webmaster at [email protected]
Please send a few images at a time, perhaps no more than four or five images per email.
Sending a large number of images may result in misidentified or misplaced images.
Please include Name of Photographer, exact Location and Month/Year (example – Feb/18) when the photo was taken.

All photographers members (and non members) are encouraged to submit recent images  of (Virginia) birds.

We note that we may not be able to use all of your submissions but we appreciate the efforts in making images available to us.

Great Wicomico River and Backyard Birds – submitted by Beth Fedorko


Outer Banks – submitted by  Marc Ribaudo

Chincoteague and Cape May Images  – submitted by  Phillip Mitchell 

Huntley Meadows – submitted by Ian Gale